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 The Storyline

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PostSubject: The Storyline   The Storyline Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26 2008, 17:48

The elderly, though still strong male sat down, infront of 5 pups tumbling and rolling around.

The elder coughed slightly, trying to get the pup's attention. All 5 of the pups looked up, then sat up, then bowed their heads in respect. The elder smirked, holding his head up high.

"Offspring of the 5 alpha pairs .. I have come to tell you a .. story," the elder coughed again, but still continued. "Once upon a time.. there was two great wolf gods, named Ayiya, the female, and Lycuaes, the male."

All of the pups looked up with wide eyes. They'd heard this story before from their own elders of their packs, but today.. This story seemed different.

".. And the two gods loved each other much! They had five pups.." The elder looked down at the pups, grinning. "Each of them named after elements. First, there was Thunder,a tough male pup, the play fullest one, with a orangey-yellow pelt. The second was Water, a quiet but excellent hunter, her pelt a mix between grey.. and some light blue. The third was Earth, a beautiful looking female, with a brown pelt, with leaf green paws and ears. The fourth was Fire, a feisty male, with a pure white coat with orange markings. The fifth, and last one, was Ice, a female, that would always stick close to her brother, fire. She was always declared the, 'runt of the litter' due to being born last. Ice had a pure white pelt, with light blue markings." The elder rumbled, his loud voice proud.

The pups' eyes were as round as a stone, intrigued by the elders tale.
"Tell us more!" Giggled the largest pup, a male with a dark brown pelt.
"Yeah, more!" Echoed all the other 4 after.
The elder chuckled, "All right then."

"But, a few days after they had received their names, Ayiya noticed that whenever they walked, they would leave a path of whatever element they were named after. Ayiya was worried, and asked Lycuaeus about it. All Lycuaeus would say was, 'They are offspring of gods! Of course they would be different from normal wolves!' Ayiya nodded understandingly, though her eyes were clouded over," the elder paused to cough, and then violently wheeze. But, still, he continued, "and, that night Lycuaeus told Ayiya something that she should've known about the pups. 'Ayiya, my dear. There is a prophecy that you should know of. It tells of a slaughter, of 5 pups.. the pups of two gods..' Ayiya's eyes widened at this. But still, Lycuaeus continued in a gruff voice, '.. and if this prophecy does not come true, then the whole world shall end! But, once they are all.. Killed.. Then they will be reincarnated, but in pairs, of one male and one female per element..' Ayiya cheered up a little, smiling. 'Then.. we will have to let the prophecy become true.. For the sake of the world, and for the sake of their elements..' Ayiya nuzzled her mate, before curling up and going to sleep." The elder coughed, the end of his life near.

"I fear that.. my visit is coming short.. Soon I shall have to leave to go join the stars, yet again." Rumbled the elder. "But.. I shall continue for a little longer.. Ahem.. When Ayiya and Lycuaeus woke up, they found all their pups dead. Ginat claw marks had been ripped through their throats, their once beautiful pelst stained. Ayiya looked speechless, nuzzling into her mate's flank for comfort. 'Ayiya..' Started the male, 'theres another part of the prophecy I never told you.. Its of us two dieing..' Ayiya gasped, but nodded at him to continue. Her mate began again, 'it tells of a giant.. bear.. demon.. killing us two.. In a single swipe. It says that our bodies shall be found by.. The reincarnations of our pups.. And once we died, the world would be troubled, the packs of the elements fighting .. But once they found our corpses, peace would echo all around the world..' Lycuaeus stopped, a gigantic bear with blazing red eyes behind Ayiya. Ayiya whimpered, bracing herself for death.."

The elder gasped for breath, his body slowly fading to an icy blue.. A strong gust of wind came, lifting his body up to the heavens.. Back to join the stars..

Grats, you found the password section.

We Love Tamocat; 30 March - 30 April.

Last edited by Tams on Sat Apr 19 2008, 20:01; edited 3 times in total
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Join date : 2008-03-03
Age : 29
Location : Connecticut, America dudes

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PostSubject: Re: The Storyline   The Storyline Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08 2008, 20:46

thats so beautiful!! and you made that up yourself???
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Posts : 1494
Join date : 2008-02-26
Location : Amish Paradise!

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PostSubject: Re: The Storyline   The Storyline Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08 2008, 21:08

Yes. :\
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